Frequently Asked Questions
How long has InfoBunker been in business?
InfoBunker was founded in 2003 with the acquisition of its primary Iowa facility. After an extensive bottom to top overhaul, we started accepting clients in 2006.
When did the InfoBunker data center first go online?
Our first client went live in 2006 and we have maintained 9 9's uptime since that day, inclusive of all interruptions scheduled or otherwise.
Where is InfoBunker located?
Our corporate headquarters are near downtown Des Moines Iowa. Our facility is located less than an hour's drive from the Des Moines metro area. Please Contact Sales if you wish to schedule a tour.
What is the size of the InfoBunker colocation facility?
65,000 square feet on two main levels. A total of 38,000 square feet available datafloor space. The remaining space is dedicated to mechanical plant, facilities and personnel work and break areas.
What is the total depth of the facility?
It is over five stories to the bottom from the top, and the roof itself is approximately six feet underground and over a meter thick.
What kind of standard did the Department of Defense build it to?
The design standard called for a facility that was able to survive a "Maximum Probable Event" and was built to survive through a full nuclear exchange for a period of about three months, totally cut off from the outside world.
Why don't you have more pictures of your facility online?
Due to security concerns, we have limited pictures of our data center and overall facility.
What are your hours of operation?
The site is fully staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
What kind of connectivity do you have?
InfoBunker has a mix of multiple fiber connections and 10 gigabit links from several tier 1 providers on diverse physical paths to multiple locations within the state.
What kind of clients do you have?
InfoBunker currently has a broad range of clients. We host everything from a large Midwest teaching hospital, to insurance company headquarters, telecommunications providers, e-commerce sites and Government agencies. We span all market segments and have clients that span the globe from Iowa to Japan.